playing pubg mobile tdm gungame



            pubg mobile gameplay

hlo friends how are you welcome again today i am playing pubg mobile. pubg mobile is a battle ground game where you have to fight against enemies the team which remains last wins in classic mode and its winning team gets chicken dinner but tdm is a small gameplay for players joyment in a small time where team which scores fourty kills first wins and they get victory tdm is made for players which dont want to rank push rankpush is simply your rank on classic which shows your skills you have to get to higher rank to get rewards tdm is a small map so players can return to game quickly i am playing gun game in tdm gungame is simply a map of tdm where your gun changes by every kill and you get a random gun but interesting thing is that in this game kills of your entire team are not counted to win only one single player will have to complete fourty kills its quite a fun to play this game pubg have many maps like erangle livik gungame wearhiouse today i am playing gungame here it feels like you have entered in a museum its theme is like a museum but it looks amazing every one should try this game once in their life i have tried its your turn and like i said i will regularly make posts but you will have to like my posts regularly also that will motivate me the game has started so lets just get in the game you try to gain victory i will try to complete fourty kills first and heres our first kill i am killing them like a beast ok so heres i have completed thirty nine kills and one more just to win one  more there we go and we got the victory if you liked my post so also share it in your friends bye bye

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