A way to popularity of Fall guys

A way to popularity of Fall guys


fall fuys is developed by british indie studio mediatonic and is a battle royale game first released on august 4 2020 and become famous in market rapidly the game is based on idea of upto 60 players playing as jelly bean trying to avoid obstacle cources to win a crown as prize 

factors causing its success

 there are numbers of factors causing a huge success firstly games contract is with sony so its added on sony plus a subscription that gives players access to 2 games every month and it helped it gain attraction secondly games colourful visuals and number of mini games attracted players of every age and third games internet virality helped it gain popularity like youtube twitch 

most sold game on ps plus

after its release game was also on ps plus and since then it became most downloaded game on ps plus which led  to its game version development which was set to be released on 2022 and its pc version sold over 7 million copies 


atlast game success can be attributed to different factors wether its internet viralty or colorful visuals or deal with sony or its mini games but its success depends on how in future game will evolve and continue its success and popularity it will be interesting to see that but for now check out my youtube channel and enjoy fall guys gameplay that will help you to decide to play fall guys or not👇👇👇