how youtubers ruined gta5 and gta online

how youtubers ruined gta5 and gta online


Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V) has long been celebrated as a groundbreaking video game that combines an engaging storyline with an expansive open-world environment. However, the introduction of mods, coupled with the influence of Youtubers, has led to a significant transformation of the game's landscape. While mods can enhance gameplay for individual users, the widespread use and promotion of these modifications by Youtubers have arguably altered the essence of GTA V, moving it away from its original intent.

Unrealistic Gameplay:

One of the primary ways Youtubers have impacted GTA V is through the promotion of mods that introduce unrealistic elements into the game. Flying cars, superhuman abilities, and outlandish weapons can turn Los Santos into a chaotic and absurd playground, detracting from the immersive experience that Rockstar Games initially crafted.

Loss of Story Focus:

GTA V boasts a compelling narrative, with intricate character development and an immersive storyline. However, the emphasis on mods in Youtuber content often shifts the focus away from the game's original narrative. Instead, viewers are entertained by the spectacle of over-the-top stunts and fantastical scenarios, diminishing the appreciation for the carefully crafted story that Rockstar intended.

Erosion of In-Game Economy:

GTA Online, the multiplayer component of GTA V, has seen a surge in mod-related disruptions. Youtubers, in their pursuit of creating entertaining content, have showcased mods that manipulate in-game currency, disrupt the economy, and undermine the effort required to earn money legitimately. This erosion of the in-game economy can impact the experience for players who prefer a balanced and challenging multiplayer environment.

Negative Impact on Game Reputation:

The widespread use of mods in the content produced by Youtubers has led to a perception shift regarding GTA V. Some players may now associate the game more with absurd mods and less with its original design and intent. This could potentially dissuade new players from experiencing the game in its unaltered form, missing out on the rich storytelling and immersive gameplay.

Community Division:

While mods can foster creativity and community engagement, they can also lead to division within the player community. Those who prefer the unmodified GTA V experience may find themselves at odds with those who enjoy the chaos of modded gameplay. This divide can impact the overall sense of community within the game.


While mods have the potential to enhance the gaming experience for individual players, the widespread promotion of these modifications by Youtubers has altered the essence of GTA V. From unrealistic gameplay to disruptions in the in-game economy, the consequences of these mods extend beyond individual playstyles. Striking a balance between creativity and respecting the game's original design is crucial to maintaining the integrity of a beloved title like Grand Theft Auto V.

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