all epic games free games

all epic games free games


In the highly competitive world of digital gaming, Epic Games has set itself apart with its generous offerings of free games. The company's commitment to providing high-quality titles at no cost has endeared it to millions of gamers worldwide. Since the launch of the Epic Games Store, the company has consistently rolled out free games as part of its promotional strategy. This article delves into the impressive lineup of free games Epic Games has offered, showcasing the diverse genres and experiences that have captured the hearts of gamers.

  1. The Inception of Free Games: Subnautica and Super Meat Boy (2018):

    Epic Games Store kicked off its free game bonanza with Subnautica, an awe-inspiring underwater survival adventure, and Super Meat Boy, a challenging indie platformer. This move instantly grabbed the attention of gamers, setting the stage for a trend that would continue to evolve.

  2. Expanding Horizons: Celeste, Inside, and Limbo (2019):

    The following year brought a mix of emotional narratives and atmospheric experiences. Celeste, a critically acclaimed platformer, showcased the power of storytelling in gaming. Inside and Limbo, both from the same developer, Playdead, added a touch of eerie beauty to the free offerings, proving that artistic expression in gaming is not confined by big budgets.

  3. Triple-A Surprises: GTA V and Borderlands: The Handsome Collection (2020):

    Epic Games upped the ante in 2020 by offering Grand Theft Auto V, one of the best-selling games of all time. This groundbreaking move attracted a surge of new users to the Epic Games Store. Shortly after, Borderlands: The Handsome Collection was offered for free, providing gamers with a massive dose of cooperative, loot-driven mayhem.

  4. Diverse Genres: Civilization VI, A Total War Saga: Troy, and More (2020-2021):

    Epic Games continued to diversify its offerings by providing strategy enthusiasts with Civilization VI and A Total War Saga: Troy. These free games expanded the store's appeal, catering to fans of grand strategy and historical warfare.

  5. Indie Gems: Hollow Knight, Celeste, and Among Us (2021):

    Indie games took center stage in 2021, with titles like Hollow Knight and Celeste making a return to the free game lineup. Additionally, the sudden surge in popularity of Among Us, a social deduction game, was fueled in part by its availability as a free game on the Epic Games Store.

  6. 2022's Offerings: Cities: Skylines, Dying Light, and More:

    As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, Epic Games continued its tradition of offering compelling titles for free. Cities: Skylines and Dying Light were among the notable free games, appealing to city-building and zombie survival enthusiasts.


Epic Games' commitment to providing free games has not only set a new standard for digital distribution platforms but has also contributed to the democratization of gaming. By making high-quality titles accessible to a broad audience, Epic Games has demonstrated its dedication to fostering a diverse and inclusive gaming community. As the list of free games continues to grow, it remains to be seen what other surprises Epic Games has in store for the gaming world. One thing is certain: the legacy of Epic Games' free games will be remembered as a pivotal chapter in the history of digital gaming.

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