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herobrine just for fun |
hello guys welcome today we will be discussing some leaks about minecraft next update 1.20 and i will also try to cover updates about upcoming next updates but its not a officially announced by moang
like every update is named by its features like 1.19 was related to wild so it was named as wild update but according to leaks name of 1.20 is still unconformed because there are many possibilities of features that can come some of them are end update like neither upadte end will also be updated but there is only possibility of it to happen it is not confirmed and it can have some wild updates and can be named as wild upadte part 2 it can have name as desert upate savana update farming update combat upadte archeology update so the features that are confirmed and some of them will come in 1.20 update first is spectator update it is already in java version but it will be added in bedrock addition also it mean there is a chance that hardcore will also be added in bedrock addition next feature is ui of bedrock addition because the ui of java is advanced and better ui but in bedrocks ui there is nothing like this so there is a chance of ui to be changed i am not personally saying this these features were shown in minecraft live event so as i discussed before that there will be updates of biomes first we will discuss about dessert and savana biome update in 2018 there was votting about biomes that which should get update first there were three biomes dessert tiaga and savana biome in this game community had chose tiaga biome but developers told that they also make updates of other two biomes in next update and there is a chance that we can see one of them update in 1.20 and consider if desert gets update so there will be palm tree meer cats sorry if i spelled them wrong and a revanced version of oasis these things will be added in desert and we can also see new varients of cactus if savana gets update so we can see updated version of savana baobap trees decomposing plants termites and even ostriches can be added in game in my personal view i think that desert update should come in 1.20 update because i dont like savana biome much but you can tell me in comments and i will make a full post on both updates that what changes can they both make in game an next is badlands biome its interessting that badlands was also in voting in 2018 but mangrove was added in 1.19 update and its the only one remaining bacause mangrove is added and we discussed about savana and desert and i have to tell you all parts of this conversation if badlands gets update we can see tumble wheats some new varients of cactus and vultures and vulture will be also like alley but the difference is that alley carrys things to us and vulture steals things from us and accoring to leaks last biome that can be added is birch biome it was even announced in 1.19 but it was cancelled and next we are going to talk on a small features one of them is locate biome it is in java but not in bedrock additionso it will be added in bedrock and custom shield banner in maps some combat chnages spectattor mode and harcore release date is most important question it can be released in november 2022 and most important its on you that you take it serious or not and ti is that