hello guys welcome today i am going to explain the metaverse what is metaverse and what role will it play in gaming and how will affect gaming future and gamers future
what is metaverse
metaverse is a single internet world in virtual reality headsets and it is concept to make gaming feel more real in simple words metaverse is a concept of future by which we will be able to feel a game in real life through some fututre technologies some of the metaverse technology examples are vests that you can buy online especially made for gaming by wearing this vest you can feel damage of bullet by vibratory motors in it in future we will be able to watch any place of world through sitting in a room through virtual reality headsets and in future gamers will be able to make their full room as a single gaming world that will enable them to play in metaverse we can talk and meet with our friends relatives and also unknown persons through metaverse but there is only one problem in this that the virtual reality headsets that we can buy today causes headach if we wear it for long time and after metaverse technology will be introduced gamerz will be addicted to games more than they are addicted todday so scientists will have to make sure this technology dont harm any one health we can watch others in a single world that will be not real but will look like real world so we will be able to experience a better life in metaverse it will have so many features if we talk to others our player will talk that will look like us it means if i am playing in metaverse my player will look exactly like me and we can recognise any one but this amazing technology is in development
all games connected to each other
in metaverse we will se that the games we are playing will be connected to each other and we will be able to play every game at any time like if we want to play pubg so we will travel to pubg world in metaverse and then we can play pubg it is like concept of multiverse that is shown in mcu that have different worlds different dimensions and different universes having one universe of pubg one of gta like of all games google is a small example of metaverse its hard to explain this system because its so big concept it will take much time to be explained i can write as big as it will be but its on you to like my post for my motivation
crypto currency and selling
metaverse will also include cryto currency like i explained in my previous post about gta 6 its concept is same like that you can exchange things and earn gta crypto currency and than you can exchange gta crypto currency into real life money its same concept you can unlock skins and things and then sell them to earn crypto currency this crypto currency is like real life crypto currency
whole world in a room
in metaverse you will be able to practically visit whole world while standing in a single room its possible but now we can only watch videos or in google map street view but by metaverse we will feel that we are visiting the world
exchanging school in metaverse world
in metaverse classes will be also taken in metaverse world in future but not like they were taken in covid time by metaverse classes will be taken but we will be able to see every stuent and teacher of class like we are in class in real life it will be so real and teachers will be able to recognise who is really in class or some one else is taking his class
by the way we will see metaverse like we see our real world but its an amazing feature for gamers
cannot play metaverse games while sitting in a place
the question that comes out is that if this happens students will become fat while siiting in one place so no it will not happen because in metaverse we will have to pretend like we are walking then our player will walk but if we sit our player will also sit in simple words our metaverse character will look exactly like us and it will copy our all moves it means if we slap some one while playing game our character in game will also slap no matter there is something in our or his front he will just slap even in air a few examples of metaverse are faceboo pubg free fire gta 5 these are all just a smallest part of metaverse same as google is a small part of internet it will have virtual reality characters it can have best effect on gaming future and more and more peoples will start gaming because people will not play games just for fun but also to earn money and thats it for today bye bye